Hi All,
One thing that’s pleasing is to stumble upon an article or essay that expresses sentiments that you share. It’s even better when the subject matter is important and possibly timely. That may be the case with this piece that I just finished reading. Global Growth? Hmmmm…
I keep CNBC on in the “background” nearly all day every day. I think a lot of folks do that are tied to the markets. I like to listen for the entertainment factor, to hear the nonsense that gets pushed out incessantly, with straight faces nonetheless. I’ve noticed over the past year or so that one of their top drumbeats has been missing in action. That would be the Global Growth drumbeat. It seems like that was one of the main explanations used to justify equities levitation while misdirecting from the QE program of the moment. So here I’ve been, operating on my simplistic level, wondering just where the Global Growth drumbeat has gone and why I can only hear the proverbial crickets. It would only be logical to believe that if Global Growth drove us higher, then cratering Global Growth should likely see our indices correct. But there I go again, trying to bring logic into the equities markets discussion. Thank God for charts! Anyway, have a look for yourselves.